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                   Scented Rocks
                     A Great Gift For Any Occasion



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To order, simply click on picture or the blue link to add items to your shopping cart.

Prices range from $10.00 - $20.00

Be on the lookout for specials and discounts!!

Car Freshener
From $10.00
Gift Sets
Orig.: From $50.00
Sale: From $45.00
Customize your colors
Orig.: $2.00
Sale: $1.00
Gift Bag
Orig.: $2.95
Sale: $1.00
8lb tub of rocks with 8 oz oil
Orig.: $134.00
Sale: $117.00


(Millie Hughes) cmbullcm@comcast.net 302 331-9232

(Gee Jones) geejones03@gmail.com 706 233-3495

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